Poster Session

Title Author
A novel liquid dosimetry system based on microspheres to monitor dose distribution of medical and pharmaceutical processes using low-energy electron irradiation Joana Besecke
Pulsed electron beam sustained atmospheric pressure plasma for gas conversion Lars Dincklage
Biomaterials Engineering Assisted by Low-energy, Non-thermal Electron Beam Technology Nic Gürtler
The influence of thin film coatings on the strength of ultra-thin flexible glass Wiebke Langgemach
Recommendations for electric strength tests of additive manufactured insulating materials Ludwig Lorenz
Removal of Micropollutants from Wastewater Using Low Energy Electrons Lotte Schaap
Investigations into the influence of chemical composition on the properties of aluminium-silicon oxi-nitride thin films Patrick Schlenz
Plasma-treated liquids for the use in hygienization Linda Steinhäußer
Electrostatic charging effects and its prevention in Roll-to-Roll electron beam evaporation processes Bastian Zeis