Sponsorship options

Sponsorship and Exhibition

All sponsorships and exhibition spaces include: your company name and logo will be prominently featured on our website and showcased in our social media promotions, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement with our audience.


Sponsorship Options

Beer blast sponsor:
Sponsor the beer that is offered during dinner and find your company name and logo prominently positioned. 1.450 €

Coffee break sponsor 1:
Find your company name and logo prominently positioned during the coffee breaks on the first day. 1.150 €

Coffee break sponsor 2:
Find your company name and logo prominently positioned during the coffee breaks on the second day. 1.150 €

Lanyard sponsor 1:
Sponsor the lanyards (lanyards provided by you) and see your company logo everywhere. 950 €



Book an exhibition space to present your company, your products or your services to a well targeted audience. The offer includes a 3 m² exhibition space for tabletops, 1 booth staff, 1 table, 1 chair, power supply and wi-fi. 1.250 €


You have other ideas to improve your visibility? Don’t hesitate to contact us at events@fep.fraunhofer.de!

Cindy Steiner

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Cindy Steiner

Group Manager: R2R Sputtering and PECVD

Fraunhofer FEP
Winterbergstraße 28
01277 Dresden

Phone +49 351 2586-143

Annett Arnold

Contact Press / Media

M.Sc. Annett Arnold

Head of Communications

Fraunhofer FEP
Winterbergstr. 28
01277 Dresden

Phone +49 351 2586-452

Franziska Lehmann

Contact Press / Media

Franziska Lehmann


Fraunhofer FEP
Winterbergstr. 28
01277 Dresden

Phone +49 351 2586-457