Quality Management
The Fraunhofer FEP is internationally renowned in the area of thin film technology. After the integration of the Fraunhofer COMEDD, the institute extends its competences in the field of organic electronics and can look back on numerous successful projects in collaboration with industrial companies and public organizations.
We introduced a quality management system at the Fraunhofer FEP in order to safeguard our competitiveness and ensure the constant optimization of internal structures, processes, and activities.
Energy Management
The Fraunhofer FEP is aware of its social responsibility as a research institute.
Awareness of the need to conserve resources in research and development and in the interests of our customers is an important aspect of our projects.
In 2016, the energy management system according to DIN ISO 50001 was introduced and certified as an integrated management system together with the existing quality management system according to DIN ISO 9001. A recertification according to the revision DIN ISO 50001:2018 was implemented in November 2019.
These include for example:
Action |
Effect |
To date, 3 heat pumps for waste heat recovery have been installed at the Fraunhofer FEP. The final evaluation of the measures demonstrated savings in both energy district heating energy and cooling energy. |
Renewable self-generation For heating period 2023/2024: Heat: 79,600 kWh/a Cooling: 71,600 kWh/a CO2 emissions avoided: 3.5 t/a |
In 2021, a weather forecasting station was integrated into the building control system to reduce the thermal energy consumption of the entire institute. |
Savings In 2021/22: Heat: 2,240 kWh/a CO2 emissions avoided: 0.1 t/a |
Installation of 2 PV systems on buildings N and E Nominal PV power: 42.9 kWp and 86.9 kWp respectively |
Renewable self-generation In 2023: Electricity: 120,340 kWh/a CO2 emissions avoided: 43.9 t/a |
Installation of controllable electronic thermostatic valves in buildings A, B, C and the technical center in 2022/2023 |
Savings In 2022/23: Heat: 173,358 kWh/a CO2 emissions avoided: 8.95 t/a |
For comparison: an average German single-person household consumes 3000 kWh annually. [1]
[1] http://www.die-stromsparinitiative.de/stromkosten/stromverbrauch-pro-haushalt/