Innovation Week

Fraunhofer FEP opens new horizons for you in our new concept “Innovation Week”

For companies and research institutions dedicated to the development of future-oriented technologies, we offer the exclusive opportunity to test innovative ideas directly in an industrial research environment and thus advance them significantly.

Expand your product portfolio with high-tech coating solutions and shape the future of innovative film applications together with us!

We look forward to your participation in our Innovation Week!


Innovation Week #1

Transparent inorganic barrier layers

As part of our innovation week on the topic of “Transparent inorganic barrier layers”, we are making our industry-oriented pilot plant novoFlex® 600 including HAD technology available.


Innovation Week #2

Sputtering of Inorganic Layers and Layer Systems

We will use our coFlex® 600 pilot system, a roll-to-roll sputter coater that applies coatings to flexible materials for optically, electrically, and decoratively effective
functional layers.