Annual Report 2023/24

© Fraunhofer FEP / Photographer: Ronald Bonß

Dear partners of the Fraunhofer FEP,
Dear readers,

2023 was a crisis-ridden year globally that brought many major challenges – from political turmoil and conflict to natural disasters – that culminated in diverse and complex economic uncertainty. However, despite all the hurdles, we at Fraunhofer FEP can look back on many positive developments as many of these external challenges presented opportunities.

Our outstanding energy management system and years of forward-looking conversion to sustainable energy supply solutions, such as photovoltaic modules for autonomous electricity production, use of waste heat from our large machines for heating office and lab space and smart solutions for local energy saving, have helped us get off to a good start this year despite rising energy prices. Thanks to the successful acquisition of numerous industrial projects and publicly funded projects by the FEP team, we were able to achieve a balanced economic result for the year.

In April we presented the institute strategy to external auditors from industry, academia, and politics. Regular strategy reviews are standard practice in the Fraunhofer Society. Preparations began in the fall of 2022 and involved several workshops that integrated the interdisciplinary teams and individual business units of the institute. The strategy report included the overarching institute vision and focus on sustainability, human resources, digitalization and scientific excellent. In addition, the business units Plasma Technology, Electron Beam Technologies, and Medical Biotechnology Applications presented detailed strategic plans. The strategy audit in 2023 kicked off continuing process in which the Fraunhofer FEP will monitor and re-examine the strategic focus of the institute annually, with a larger strategy audit every 5 years. In a very constructive exchange with the external consultants and auditors, our strategic focus was confirmed and the tools for future strategy evaluations were defined. In future, we will build on this audit for the ongoing strategic review of the institute. We would like to thank all colleagues involved, our external consultants and auditors for their support and the constructive discussion. As a result, we at Fraunhofer FEP will build on our existing strengths and unique selling points and to strategically position the institute towards current and emerging markets.

Our technological developments – particularly in the field of coating flexible products such as films or ultra-thin glass – are increasingly being used in sustainable construction applications. We have been able to lay important foundations within several EU projects, including the development of thermochromic and electrochromic coatings for the building sector. The first prototypes of smart windows, as a contribution to reducing energy consumption in buildings, and hydrophilic coatings on ultra-thin glass from the Switch2Save, NewSkin and FLEX-G 4.0 projects met with a very positive response at our first participation at the BAU 2023 trade fair in Munich. In addition to the publicly funded projects, continuous research and development with leading industrial partners is leading to further pioneering advances in the field of sustainability.

After the first years, the sputter epitaxy working group at Fraunhofer FEP has established itself. For the second time, our institute organized an online workshop with numerous international experts and offered a platform for the exchange of current research results. We look forward to further developing our technological platform and network of partners in this field in coming years.

We see incredibly potential for our vast and unique expertise in the development of electron beam technologies for application in hydrogen technologies to support the energy transition. As an example of one of the many activities in this direction, we coated the first bipolar plates last year and optimized our system technology for this purpose. Our range of technologies for the production, storage and processing of hydrogen for the energy transition was presented very actively as part of our networking activities, e. g. in the Fraunhofer hydrogen network or with the Saxon cluster HZwo e.V., and also presented for the first time at regional and international conferences and trade fairs in Dresden and Brussels.

For a few years now, the Fraunhofer FEP is responsible for the Fraunhofer-business area Cleaning. This year was a special one for all members. Fraunhofer-business area Cleaning celebrated its 20th anniversary. The celebrations culminated at parts2clean with numerous activities and technical presentations as well as an anniversary breakfast.

The institute announced another highlight in the summer. Within the "Backplane" project funded by the Saxon State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Transport SMWA , colleagues from the Microdisplays and Sensors department realized OLED microdisplays in a 28-nanometer backplane technology on 300 mm wafers for the first time. This made it possible to produce components with a display diagonal of 0.18 inches and pixel sizes of just 2.5 micrometers. This corresponds to an as-yet unattained level in the global OLED microdisplay market and is world record.

Our expertise in the field of medical and biotechnological applications using the diverse effects of electron beams once again contributed to many projects in 2023. The expansion of our S1/S2 facilities to validate these processes and technologies are now possible in the new laboratories in our newly completed building that will house activities for electron beam technologies for environmental, medical, ecological, and sustainable applications. In order to create a solid basis for these activities, organizational adjustments were made to enhance the synergistic potential in the institute. We are using the momentum of this eventful year to start 2024 with the official inauguration of the new building on the RESET (Resource Saving Energy Technologies) campus next spring.

I would like to thank all our employees as well as our funding bodies and industry and academic partners for their continued great trust, support, and cooperation and a fantastic year in the face of the numerous external challenges we faced together!

In our annual report, we take a detailed look at the highlights of the last twelve months. I hope you enjoy reading it and look forward to continuing our good cooperation!

Research News


Fraunhofer FEP was able to bring in 11.6 million € of new business from industry through direct contracts. Proceeds of 6.2 million € were obtained from public projects funded by the federal and state governments. A portion of these, amounting to 1.4 million €, was attracted through joint publicly funded projects with mid-cap companies. The expenditure of institutional capital ran to 12.8 million €.

Employee development

196 staff members were employed at the institute during the past year, of which 9 were trainees, along with 18 student trainees as well as 54 scientific assistants. Of the 72 staff members that were employed as scientists, 11 were additionally working on their doctoral degrees. The proportion of females in the scientific area amounted to 25 percent.

Investment costs

Total expenditures from the operating and investment budget amounted to 30.7 million €. 2.1 million € was invested in equipment, construction and infrastructure during the period.

Staff and material costs

Personnel expenditures totaled 15.4 million €, representing 53.9 percent of the operating budget (28.6 million €). Material costs amounted to 13.2 million €.

Publication Type
2023 Sputter deposition via double ring magnetrons; superior reactive and process control for high rate metal, oxide and nitride films
Barth, Stephan; Bartzsch, Hagen; Neidhardt, Jörg
Conference Paper
2023 A Fully Integrated Miniaturized Optical Biosensor for Fast and Multiplexing Plasmonic Detection of High‐ and Low‐Molecular‐Weight Analytes
Bolognesi, Margherita; Prosa, Mario; Törker, Michael; Lopez Sanchez, Laura; Wieczorek, Martin; Giacomelli, Caterina; Benvenuti, Emilia; Pellacani, Paola; Elferink, Alexander; Sola, Laura; Morschhauser, Andreas; Damin, Francesco; Chiari, Marcella; Whatton, Mark; Haenni, Etienne; Kallweit, David; Marabelli, Franco; Peters, Jeroen; Toffanin, Stefano
Journal Article
2023 Hemocompatibility tuning of an innovative glutaraldehyde-free preparation strategy using riboflavin/UV crosslinking and electron irradiation of bovine pericardium for cardiac substitutes
Dittfeld, Claudia; Welzel, Cindy; König, Ulla; Jannasch, Anett; Alexiou, Konstantin; Blum, Ekaterina; Bronder, Saskia; Sperling, Claudia; Maitz, F. Manfred; Tugtekin, Sems-Malte
Journal Article
2023 Towards in-line real-time characterization of roll-to-roll produced ZTO/Ag/ITO thin films by hyperspectral imaging
Dogan-Surmeier, Susanne; Gruber, Florian; Maurer, Christian; Bieder, Steffen; Schlenz, Patrick; Paulus, Michael; Albers, Christian; Schneider, Eric; Thiering, Nicola; Tolan, Metin; Wollmann, Philipp; Cornelius, Steffen; Sternemann, Christian
Journal Article
2023 Mucosal Application of a Low-Energy Electron Inactivated Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine Shows Protective Efficacy in an Animal Model
Eberlein, Valentina; Ahrends, Mareike; Bayer, Lea; Finkensieper, Julia Charlotte; Besecke, Joana Kira; Mansuroglu, Yaser; Standfest, Bastian; Lange, Franziska; Schopf, Simone; Thoma, Martin; Dressman, Jennifer Joy; Hesse, Christina; Ulbert, Sebastian; Grunwald, Thomas
Journal Article
2023 Energy-saving potential of thermochromic coatings in transparent building envelope components
Fahland, Matthias; Szelwicka, Jolanta; Langgemach, Wiebke
Journal Article
2023 Energie sparen mit smarten Beschichtungen
Fahland, Matthias; Steiner, Cindy; Schott, Marco
Journal Article
2023 Dünnschichttechnologien für die Energiewende
Fahland, Matthias; Steiner, Cindy; Schott, Marco
Journal Article
2023 Photoindziert hydrophile Schichten von der Rolle
Fahland, Matthias
Journal Article
2023 Time Series Analysis in Vacuum Roll to Roll Coating Technology
Fahland, Matthias; Top, Michiel; Vogt, Tobias
Journal Article
2023 Combination of Organic and Inorganic Semiconductor for Sensing Applications
Fehse, Karsten; Törker, Michael; Schlebusch, Dirk; Brenner, Stephan; Rolle, Martin; Baumgarten, Judith; Wartenberg, Philipp; Richter, Bernd; Vogel, Uwe
Conference Paper
2023 Apicomplexan parasites are attenuated by low-energy electron irradiation in an automated microfluidic system and protect against infection with Toxoplasma gondii
Finkensieper, Julia Charlotte; Mayerle, Florian; Rentería-Solís, Zaida; Fertey, Jasmin; Rodrigues Makert dos Santos, Gustavo; Lange, Franziska; Besecke, Joana Kira; Schopf, Simone; Poremba, Andre; König, Ulla; Standfest, Bastian; Thoma, Martin; Daugschies, Arwid; Ulbert, Sebastian
Journal Article
Franke, Volker; Gruber, Florian; Zywitzki, Olaf; Fuchs, Theobald
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2023 Neural Networks for the Analysis of Image Data in OLED Microdisplay Manufacturing
Ganesan, Ramkumar
Master Thesis
2023 The SCALEX facility - an apparatus for scaled fluid dynamical experiments
Ghazijahani, Mohammad Sharifi; Kästner, Christian; Valori, Valentina; Thieme, Alexander; Täschner, Kerstin; Schumacher, Jörg; Cierpka, Christian
Journal Article
2023 Design of step-graded AlGaN buffers for GaN-on-Si heterostructures grown by MOCVD
Ghosh, Septarsi; Hinz, Alexander Martin; Frentrup, Martin; Alam, Saiful; Wallis, David J.; Oliver, Rachel A.
Journal Article
2023 Sterilisation von Medizinprodukten, zwischen Tradition und Innovation
Gotzmann, Gaby; Kenner, Lysann; König, Ulla
Journal Article
2023 Antifouling-Beschichtungen per Elektronenstrahl
Gürtler, Nic; König, Ulla
Journal Article
2023 Slim Backlights for Holographic 3D Displays by Advanced Coatings Capabilities
Hartung, Ullrich; Glöß, Daniel; Neidhardt, Jörg; Drescher, Andy; Sahm, Hagen; Büttner, Philipp
Journal Article
2023 Vacuum Deposition of Aluminum Alloys with 1 µm/s on Different Types of Semi-finished Products
Heinß, Jens-Peter
Conference Paper
2023 High-Rate Sputter Etching of Substrates Using Hollow-Cathode Arc Discharge Sources
Heinß, Jens-Peter; Klose, Lars
Journal Article
2023 Untersuchungen zum Einfluss einer Plasmavorbehandlung von Kunststofffolien mittels Linearer Ionen Quelle (LIS) im Rolle-zu-Rolle-Prozess
Kunert, Helene
Diploma Thesis
2023 Optische Schichten und ihr Einfluss auf die Belastbarkeit flexibler Gläser
Langgemach, Wiebke; Lorenz, Georg; Täschner, Kerstin; Neidhardt, Jörg
Journal Article
2023 Nanoscale Thermometry of Plasmonic Structures via Raman Shifts in Copper Phthalocyanine
Li, Pan; Askes, Sven H.C.; Del Pino Rosendo, Esther; Freek, Ariese; Ramanan, Charusheela; Hauff, Elizabeth von; Baldi, Andrea
Journal Article
2023 Ringförmige Vorrichtung zum Erzeugen von beschleunigten Elektronen
Mattausch, Gösta; Zimmermann, Burkhard; Kubusch, Jörg; Blüthner, Ralf; Dincklage, Lars; Dominok, Severin; Flaske, Henrik; Lorenz, Ludwig; Meyer, Björn; Top, Michiel
2023 High-performance AlOx thin films for next generation sustainable packaging: Part 2
Morrison, Neil; Campo, Manuel; Verghese, Raj; Straach, Steffen
Journal Article
2023 High-performance AlOx thin films for next generation sustainable packaging: Part 1
Morrison, Neil; Campo, Manuel; Crouch, Tarquin; Verghese, Raj; Straach, Steffen
Journal Article
2023 Homogeneity of Nanoparticle Layers as Deposited by Gas Phase Condensation (Gpc) and Pe-Cvd Processes
Nizard, Harry; Rauer, Sebastian; Glöß, Daniel; Delan, Annekatrin; Modes, Thomas; Gerlach, Gerald; Neidhardt, Jörg; Zukauskaite, Agne; Hauff, Elizabeth von
2023 Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry for the investigation of ScAlN for applications in microsystems technology
Petrich, Rebecca; Slimi, Younes; Krischok, Stefan; Tonisch, Katja; Honig, Hauke; Steinacker, Lorenz; Schaaf, Peter; Barth, Stephan; Bartzsch, Hagen; Glöß, Daniel; Kuhnen, Raphael; Fruehauf, Dietmar
Conference Paper
2023 Influence of Si(111) substrate off-cut on AlN film crystallinity grown by magnetron sputter epitaxy
Pingen, Katrin; Neuhaus, Stefan; Wolff, Niklas; Kienle, Lorenz; Zukauskaite, Agne; Hauff, Elizabeth von; Hinz, Alexander Martin
Journal Article
2023 Neue In-situ-Messverfahren für hohe Prozesstemperaturen
Preußner, Thomas; Klein, Marcus; Graf, Annett
Journal Article
2023 Multi-Source-CT for inline inspection of extruded profiles
Rettenberger, Simon; Landstorfer, Peter; Herl, Gabriel; Meyer, Björn; Mattausch, Gösta; Labitzke, Rainer
Journal Article
2023 Historical Paper Documents
Rögner, Frank-Holm; Schottner, Gerhard; Grählert, Wulf; Gruber, Florian; Fuchs, Theobald; Hügle, Johannes
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2023 20 Jahre aktiv für die industrielle Teilereinigung
Rögner, Frank-Holm
Journal Article
2023 High-Performance Anodes Made of Metallic Lithium Layers and Lithiated Silicon Layers Prepared by Vacuum Technologies
Saager, Stefan; Decker, Ludwig; Kopte, Torsten; Scheffel, Bert; Zimmermann, Burkhard
Journal Article
2023 Prozessoptimierung während der Rolle-zu-Rolle-Beschichtung
Schedwill, Ines
Journal Article
2023 Diamond-Like Films of Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Deposited by Anodic Arc Evaporation of Graphite
Scheffel, Bert; Zywitzki, Olaf; Kopte, Torsten
2023 Advances in electron beam technology for environmental and biotechnological applications at Fraunhofer FEP
Teichmann, Tobias; Dincklage, Lars; Schaap, Lotte Ligaya; Schreuder, David; Blüthner, Ralf; Winckler, Falk; Schopf, Simone; König, Ulla; Zimmermann, Burkhard; Mattausch, Gösta
Journal Article
2023 Konzeptionierung und Untersuchungen zu einer kompakten Low-Power Datenbrille mit OLED-Mikrodisplay
Thon, Christian
Master Thesis
2023 Thermal conductivity of ScxAl1-xN and YxAl1-xN alloys
Tran, Dat Q.; Tasnádi, Ferenc; Zukauskaite, Agne; Birch, Jens; Darakchieva, Vanya
Journal Article
2023 Quantifying electrochemical losses in perovskite solar cells
Tulus, Tulus; Wang, Junke; Galagan, Yulia; Hauff, Elizabeth von
Journal Article
2023 Vorrichtung zum Beschichten eines bandförmigen Substrates mit einer Parylene-Schicht
Törker, Emmy; Selbmann, Franz; Top, Michiel
2023 Innovative Sensorik für Lebensmittelsicherheit und Qualität
Törker, Michael
Journal Article
2023 Multi-Sensor-integrierte adaptive Scheinwerfer für robuste Fahrerassistenzsysteme
Vogel, Sönke; Täschner, Kerstin; Schepers, Maurice; Weyer, Sara
Journal Article
2023 Multi Sensor Integrated Adaptive Headlights for Robust Drive Assistant Systems
Vogel, Sönke; Täschner, Kerstin; Schepers, Maurice; Weyer, Sara
Journal Article
2023 A System Dynamics Approach to Technological Learning Impact for the Cost Estimation of Solar Photovoltaics
Wang, Rong; Hasanefendic, Sandra; Hauff, Elizabeth von; Bossink, Bart
Journal Article
2023 Organic-on-silicon photonic platform for advanced imagers, microdisplays and sensors
Wartenberg, Philipp; Richter, Bernd; Brenner, Stephan; Baumgarten, Judith; Lenk, Simone; Fehse, Karsten; Schlebusch, Dirk; Törker, Michael; Fritscher, Andreas; Zeltner, Johannes; Schmidt, Christian; Rolle, Martin; Damnik, Steffen; Mütze, Josephine; Vogel, Uwe; Schuster, Florian
Conference Paper
2023 A 2.5µm Dot Pitch 0.18” OLED Microdisplay on 28nm CMOS Backplane
Wartenberg, Philipp; Fritscher, Andreas; Richter, Bernd; Bunk, Gerd; Damnik, Steffen; Schuster, Florian; Rolle, Martin; Schlebusch, Dirk; Brenner, Stephan; Zeltner, Johannes; Vogel, Uwe
Journal Article
2023 OLED-on-Silicon for microdisplays in near-to-eye applications and optoelectronic sensing
Wartenberg, Philipp; Richter, Bernd; Baumgarten, Judith; Fritscher, Andreas; Brenner, Stephan; Lenk, Simone; Damnik, Steffen; Zeltner, Johannes; Rolle, Martin; Schmidt, Christian; Mütze, Josephine; Schlebusch, Dirk; Fehse, Karsten; Törker, Michael; Schuster, Florian; Vogel, Uwe
Conference Paper
2023 High-brightness OLED-on-silicon on semitransparent CMOS backplane for advanced near-to-eye microdisplays
Wartenberg, Philipp; Richter, Bernd; Brenner, Stephan; Zeltner, Johannes; Schmidt, Christian; Baumgarten, Judith; Fritscher, Andreas; Lenk, Simone; Rolle, Martin; Törker, Michael; Vogel, Uwe
Conference Paper
2023 Vorrichtung zum Beaufschlagen von Schüttgut mit beschleunigten Elektronen
Weidauer, André; Süß, Christian; Mattausch, Gösta; Kubusch, Jörg; Blüthner, Ralf; Flaske, Henrik; Eyßler, Sebastian; Hannenheim, Hannes Stefan
2023 Roadmap on Energy Harvesting Materials
Zukauskaite, Agne; Barth, Stephan; et al.
Journal Article
2023 Piezoelectric Aluminium Scandium Nitride (AIScN) Thin Film
Zukauskaite, Agne
2023 Editorial for Special Issue "Piezoelectric Aluminium Scandium Nitride (AlScN) Thin Films: Material Development and Applications in Microdevices"
Zukauskaite, Agne
2023 Antifouling-Beschichtungen per Elektronenstrahl
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Patent number





DE 10 2014 110 835 B1 Vorrichtung zum Bedampfen eines Substrates innerhalb einer Vakuumkammer B. Scheffel, C. Metzner, H. Morgner, B. Finkenwirth, F. Händel 31.07.2017 05.01.2023
DE 10 2021 127 146 B3 Vorrichtung zum Beaufschlagen von Schüttgut mit beschleunigten Elektronen G. Mattausch, R. Blüthner, H. Flaske, V. Kirchhoff, J. Kubusch 19.10.2021 23.02.2023
TW 1794249 B Multi-Layer Functional Film and Production Method thereof J. Fahlteich, N. Prager, M. Fahland, O. Zywitzki, V. von Morgen, R. Eveson 27.06.2018 01.03.2023
DE 10 2021 127 147 B3 Vorrichtung zum Beaufschlagen von Schüttgut mit beschleunigten Elektronen G. Mattausch, R. Blüthner, H. Flaske, J. Kubusch, L. Dincklage, F. Winckler, T. Schumpa 19.10.2021 02.03.2023
DE 10 2021 111 097 B4 Hohlkathodensystem zum Erzeugen eines Plasmas und Verfahren zum Betreiben eines solchen Hohlkathodensystems G. Mattausch, B. Meyer, H. Flaske, V. Kirchhoff, S. Weiss, R. Labitzke, B. Zimmermann, J. Kubusch 29.04.2021 06.04.2023
KR 10-2520785 B1 Method for Adjusting the Emission of an OLED E. Bodenstein, C. Metzner, U. Vogel, M. Schober, S. Saager 17.08.2018 07.04.2023
CN 112789060 B Method for Inactivating Biologically Active Components in a Liquid A. Weidauer, G. Gotzmann, V. Kirchhoff, J. Kubusch, C. Wetzel, J. Schönfelder 01.04.2021 07.02.2023
KR 10 2568659 B1 Multi-Layer Functional Film and Production Method thereof J. Fahlteich, N. Prager, M. Fahland, O. Zywitzki, V. von Morgen, R. Eveson 26.06.2018 22.08.2023
DE 10 2021 130 776 B4 Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Behandlung von Flüssigkeit T. Martin, J. Casado-Portillo, F.-H. Rögner, A. Poremba 24.11.2021 07.09.2023
CN 110997321 B Multi-Layer Functional Film and Production Method thereof J. Fahlteich, N. Prager, M. Fahland, O. Zywitzki,
V. von Morgen, R. Eveson
26.06.2018 01.09.2023
US 11,802,271 B2 Method for Irradiation mammalian Cells with Electron Beam and/or X-Rays F.-H. Rögner, S. Ulbert, J. Burkhardt, J. Portillo, J. Schönfelder 16.09.2019 31.10.2023
EP 3 924 307 B1 Method for Increasing the Strength of a Glass Substrate M. Junghähnel, J. Westphalen, T. Preussner, W. Walther 13.02.2020 06.12.2023
US 11,839,484 B2 Method and Device for the objective Determination of Capillary Refill Behavior on a Human Body Surface U. Vogel, B. Richter, T. Richter 28.05.2021 12.12.2023