Medical and Biotechnological Applications

Improved infection protection by bio-based surface functionalization of textiles using low-energy electron beam technology

© Fraunhofer FEP
Textile materials before and after the immobilization of antiviral humic substances by means of Ebeam-Grafting

Electron beam technology can be used to create selective surface properties. In the HuminTex project, sustainable respiratory masks consisting of biodegradable nonwovens are functionalized with antiviral, naturally occurring humic substances.

Pandemic situations such as the global outbreak of Covid-19 cause complex problems for preventive health care. Technical, organizational and personal protective measures must be taken to minimize the risk of infection. Respiratory masks are an effective infection protection. On the one hand, care-less handling of used masks carries an unintentional risk of infection. On the other hand, improper disposal increase the global plastic waste problem. This correlation demonstrates the urgent need for sustainable infection control concepts.


One approach to prevent infection is the immediate virus inactivation when viruses come in contact with the surface of the mask material. The aim of the HuminTex project is therefore to functionalize textile surfaces for the production of particle-filtering respiratory masks with antivirally effective and naturally occurring humic substances. Furthermore, the ecological compatibility of the masks is to be optimized by reducing the consumption of resources and improving environmental performance. For this reason, biodegradable textiles are used for mask production. 

In order to achieve a high durability and reliability of the antiviral functional coating, the humic substances are to be covalently bound to the textile surface. Therefore, the HuminTex project is investigating the suitability of low-energy, non-thermal electron beam technology (Ebeam) for the first time at the Fraunhofer FEP compared to a wet-chemical technology. 

The Ebeam-based, two-stage coating process, Ebeam-Grafting, enables materials to be equipped with surface-selective characteristics, whereby all process parameters can be individually monitored and modularly adapted. Ebeam-Grafting can be used for material-gentle and environmental-friendly surface modification. Subsequently, the antiviral efficacy of the surface-modified nonwovens can be evaluated complementary in the biomedical FEP laboratory complex.

In addition, the technological prerequisites for the general development and industrial production of antiviral protective textiles for the health and medical sector are to be created.

Funding Information

Funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection.

Funding reference: 16PS104004